Santorini, Adio.

It’s difficult leaving an island like Santorini, particularly if you’re returning to the smouldering shops of Manchester. I will never complain about 35°C again. Everything they say about it is true: it’s impossibly beautiful, and seems to get more breath-taking every time you turn a corner. We had a garden apartment with a sea view, like a little Barbary Lane with a sun terrace and jacuzzi on the roof. There were lazy days soaking up the rays and nights were spent in the stylish cave-bars and restaurants which cling to the cliffs, watching the cruise ships and shuttles glowing far beneath us like deep-sea creatures in the dark. You could be forgiven for thinking you’ve woken up on the set of Mama Mia, and the sunsets looked like something out of a movie. I left my heart in San Francisco, but my flip-flops belong to Santorini.

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Categories: Photography, Travel, Vibe Monitor | Tags: , , , , , | 19 Comments

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19 thoughts on “Santorini, Adio.

  1. Wow! Beautiful pictures! I can see why you don’t want to leave.

  2. Nelly Scott

    All so very beautiful x

  3. I want to be there! Was there in 1978 and your photos confirm…. I need to get back there. Thank you!

    • Thanks for your message. It’s the most romantic place on Earth, and I think you should book those tickets for the sake of nostalgia… and the freedom not to wear socks!

  4. Well, Mark, I’m glad that it was more than a virtual vacation for you like it was for me. Not that I’m complaining entirely. It’s MUCH apprceiated as I look out upon bleak and grey. Sigh. Looks stunning in photos so I can only imagine in real life.

    • I’m glad I could brighten your day, Bradford. If it’s any consolation, it’s very cold and wet here in Blighty, and it’s Flaming June. This was last year’s vacation, and we were very lucky to go there because this year, due to circumstances beyond my control there will be no exotic trips!

      If you ever get the chance – go! And take someone you love, because it must be the most romantic place on Earth.

      • I have the heat going as we ‘speak,’ Mark. The HEAT!?! Comrades in arms we are. At least we had your trip to escape the weather doldrums for just a bit.

      • I’m currently editing the video I made there – only took me a year to get round to it! Posting soon…

  5. Pingback: Mount Olympus: Origin of the Olympic Ideal « the vibes

  6. I also popped to Santorini last year – and loved it. Didn’t want to leave either – was already to sell up my house and move! Until I saw the price of houses there !!!

    • My partner just found us a house there. For £3 million. I think he was joking 😦

  7. I need to go to Santorini

    • It seems to be very iconic at the moment, appearing in all the yoghurt and holiday adverts. Cancel everything and just go! 😀

      • In Thassos many years ago I bought three large postcards and used them as pictures for the house- they were all from Santorini. I have wanted to go ever since, but somewhere else always came up. Your pictures reminded me of why I need to go. I suggested it this weekend to the husband- now I will wait for the idea to trickle down!

  8. Booked! At last! Can’t wait.

  9. Pingback: Santorini- the volcanic isle | nanacathydotcom

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