Vintage Vibes

The charging warrior within me can happily adapt to a day of gingham and cupcakes. So when the sun shines on a Sunday, I escape from being a home-building domestic god and explore the neighbourhood flea markets and antique stalls.

(This is my first proper post using the new WordPress Mosaic tile gallery function and it works like a dream… even on my iPad! Suddenly I’m a style magazine.)

Categories: Photography, Random, Travel, Vibe Monitor | Tags: , , , , , , , | 18 Comments

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18 thoughts on “Vintage Vibes

  1. Just to let you know that I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award

    • Thanks Liz! They won’t mind if I win it twice, will they? Anyway, I accept and congratulations on your award. I’ll post shortly…

  2. Reblogged this on msamba.

  3. I simply adore this. How does one use this ‘Mosaic’?

    • Hi Helen, when you upload pictures to a post, there’s an option top left to Create Gallery in the upload window.

      When you add your photos, select the settings (top right) for ‘square’ or ’tile’ etc and the number of columns you want.

      Check how it looks in a Preview window and rearrange the order of your pictures by editing your gallery within Visual mode, the same as you would edit a single picture (the blue gallery box has the edit and delete icons which appear if you hover over it.)

      The fun bit is deciding the shapes of the pictures and adding the captions which will pop up. Hope that helps 😀

  4. So that’s what the “tile” setting is–I remember reading about it, but never explored it. What a wonderful day to get photos like these. The little village is okay!

    • I think it might be automatic if you just opt for a gallery insert, judging by some old posts of mine which seem to have been transformed on their own.

      When the sun shines, my new neighbourhood is a great place to be, full of character and life.

  5. Nice Blog 🙂 x

  6. Nice vintage feel to these. I’m glad the sun made an appearance!

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