Psychedelic Blue Man

Kaleidoscope image oil painting delft kooleidoLast week I showed you my oil painting, Blue Man and this week I fed the image through Kooleido, a kaleidoscope app on my iPhone. I love the religious overtones of mandala-style psychedelic images, and I’ve found the movement of a kaleidoscope quite hypnotic (Believe! Believe!) The result is almost like Dutch Delft ceramic tiles, although with sprawling knots of naked men. Imagine that…

Kaleidoscope image oil painting delft kooleido Kaleidoscope image oil painting delft kooleidoKaleidoscope image oil painting delft kooleido

Categories: Art, Design, Photography, Random | Tags: , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

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13 thoughts on “Psychedelic Blue Man

  1. Very nice, love the effect this creates – would love to see a whole wall of these ’tiles’!!

    • Thanks, Tania. I was just thinking about how they might look as a wallpaper print…

  2. absolutely amazing what today’s apps can do! this is beautiful! z

    • Thanks, Zeebra. I was quite surprised how they turned out, considering it was an absent-minded experiment…

  3. Thanks for the visit and the ‘like’, Mark. And I do like the Delft blauw tile effect in this one.

    • They are blauw aren’t they? Lovely pictures of Amsterdam on your blog, almost makes me homesick…

  4. Thanks for using Kooleido, Mark. Would love to hear more feedback from you.

    For your reader’s benefits. Full demo of the app can be found here

    • Ladies and gentlemen – Kooleido on The Vibes!

      Thanks for dropping by – it’s a cool app, easy to use and very animated. It seems to be quite calming too, almost like an executive stress toy. I love the idea that the possibilities are infinite. My only complaint is that you can only record still images, as I’d love to use the animations in my films… any ideas?

  5. It really does work as a mandala.

  6. Yes, imagine a temple with these on the ceiling…

  7. Fantastic images!

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